# 介紹
這個雜談主要是分享一下我在用 Shokax 主題的時候的 dockerfile。 由於在插入這個主題的時候并沒有 shokax 的 image,然而 shokax 又有自己的 commandline。所以安全起見,就決定嘗試學一學 dockerfile,自己動手,豐衣足食。
# Dockerfile for Hexo & ShokaX
Dockerfile 是參考自 spurin/docker-hexo 的 repo,加上了 ShokaX 主題而已,有關 composer 和 config 的設定請見這裏
FROM node:latest | |
# Set the server port as an environmental | |
# Set the git username and email | |
ENV GIT_USER="Joe Bloggs" | |
ENV GIT_EMAIL="[email protected]" | |
# Install requirements | |
RUN \ | |
apt-get update && \ | |
apt-get install git -y && \ | |
npm install hexo-cli -g | |
# Set workdir | |
WORKDIR /app | |
# Expose Server Port | |
# Build a base server and configuration if it doesnt exist, then start | |
CMD \ | |
if [ "$(ls -A /app)" ]; then \ | |
echo "***** App directory exists and has content, continuing *****"; \ | |
else \ | |
echo "***** App directory is empty, initialising with hexo*****" && \ | |
hexo init && \ | |
npm install && \ | |
echo "***** Installing ShokaX and it's cli ****" && \ | |
npm install shokax-cli --location=global && \ | |
npm install -g node-gyp && \ | |
SXC install shokaX && \ | |
echo "***** Continue with hexo admin and server ****" && \ | |
npm install --save hexo-admin && \ | |
npm install hexo-server --save; \ | |
fi; \ | |
if [ ! -f /app/requirements.txt ]; then \ | |
echo "***** App directory contains no requirements.txt file, continuing *****"; \ | |
else \ | |
echo "***** App directory contains a requirements.txt file, installing npm requirements *****"; \ | |
cat /app/requirements.txt | xargs npm --prefer-offline install --save; \ | |
fi; \ | |
if [ "$(ls -A /app/.ssh 2>/dev/null)" ]; then \ | |
echo "***** App .ssh directory exists and has content, continuing *****"; \ | |
else \ | |
echo "***** App .ssh directory is empty, initialising ssh key and configuring known_hosts for common git repositories (github/gitlab) *****" && \ | |
rm -rf ~/.ssh/* && \ | |
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -P "" && \ | |
ssh-keyscan github.com > ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null && \ | |
ssh-keyscan gitlab.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null && \ | |
cp -r ~/.ssh /app; \ | |
fi; \ | |
echo "***** Running git config, user = ${GIT_USER}, email = ${GIT_EMAIL} *****" && \ | |
git config --global user.email ${GIT_EMAIL} && \ | |
git config --global user.name ${GIT_USER} && \ | |
echo "***** Copying .ssh from App directory and setting permissions *****" && \ | |
cp -r /app/.ssh ~/ && \ | |
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa && \ | |
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && \ | |
chmod 700 ~/.ssh && \ | |
echo "***** Contents of public ssh key (for deploy) - *****" && \ | |
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && \ | |
echo "**** updating agolia****" && \ | |
hexo algolia && \ | |
echo "***** Starting server on port ${HEXO_SERVER_PORT} *****" && \ | |
hexo server -d -p ${HEXO_SERVER_PORT} |
如果不用 agolia,或者是第一次初始化,記得把 hexo algolia 那行 comment 掉